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Guidance and Clearing Session
(Writing Testimonials)

"Thank you Jan.  You made a great impact in my life."        ~ Virginia

Before Session:  "I feel like I am stuck/but not stuck. I think I’m having an identity issue.  I feel like I am all over the place in search of the Holy Grail (life purpose, clarity, etc).  I also see that you are a writer,  which is wonderful as I am feeling blocked!  I’m looking forward to stepping back into my power and getting clarity again on my Soul's purpose."

After Session:  "You are, and do, something very special.  I’m so grateful that I reached out, as I truly enjoyed our session together. I found your guidance to be thought provoking and very soothing!  Keep doing what you are doing.  I referred a girlfriend of mine your way. I think your services could be of great help to her."   ~ A.

"Working with Jan is a Gift!! Her capacity to deeply listen and hold a spacious heart presence creates a container that allows those she works with to open to their "tight spots," those places where tension, unconscious fear, and unknown limitations take root in the psyche and layers of the energy field. As a transformational healer myself, I only allow those who are pure in their essence and know how to be deeply present, to work with my energy, body, mind, and Soul. Jan is the real deal! We all deserve the gift of her transformational work. Give yourself the gift of Jan!!"   ~CM

"Thank  you so much for your guidance. Greatly appreciated. I've never felt so peaceful and calm.  Both helped. Feels like energy moving. It's been a great evening. I was able to learn and release what my body wanted me to.  Something's definitely changed... clicked into place. Thank you so much."       🙏🤍  ~Lindsey

"You helped me sort out my crazy thought process and focus on what I'm wanting. I needed the energy to shift enough inside to get started. I'm  becoming more comfortable with the idea that I have a lot to offer! Thank you for helping me move past all this into excellence!!"    ~ Wayne Reineke

"From my experience seeing you on Facebook and seeing your son pass away, I felt an immediate connection. I felt, 'I can talk to her…I want to talk to her.' 


I see you and your notes and the things you wrote about Jeff. I remember when you hiked into Big Bear for his celebration of life and I was wishing I could hike with you, but I had been injured, so I couldn't. I remember thinking, I wish I could go and be there with them, after not even being with you at all ever since we were kids. I just felt connected. It was really from then that I knew that we were going to connect at some level. 


And then watching your Facebook posts and the things you shared that were so positive. But they weren't just nominally positive. They were felt. Words and ideas, and they said more than what they said on paper. And it continued to resonate in my soul and in my heart and I was thinking, okay, we're going to connect. Eventually, we're going to do 'this'…


whatever 'this' was. 


And then 'this' came along… this (session) thing we did in my trailer. And I'm still living 'this.' I mean I am really still feeling the effects of you and me sitting together in the trailer. 


I said to my husband, 'You know, I'm finally getting to the point in my almost 62 years that I am feeling better.' 


And I think 'better ' is a good word, because it kind of takes care of a lot of things…


like, I'm coming to understand that these things happened…these things were there… and wanting to separate from people who don't support (where I'm wanting to take myself.)


So it is that connection to you, and feeling 'that.' And for me, 'that' is so amazing….like, how do you do 'that?' 


I still feel 'that' 100%. I haven't felt 'that' with anybody, and I've had some other people in my world who had experienced similar things, but there was just something for me that connected with you.


I just feel something special there, special with you, special with me. It just is. And I love that... I love that...I really really love that! 


So thank you! It is now a different place for me to be in the trailer. Every time I walk in there. It's like Wow. It's all good. Things are just... good… in a lot of different ways. 


That has been my experience. And it continues to be my experience. It is with me all the time, parallel to everything. It's just been a beautiful experience for me."    ~ Linda

"The supportive & inspiring space Jan created allowed me to have a major breakthrough. I will definitely be back."

Working with Jan was absolutely amazing. She was patient and kind when I was dealing with  sensitive  topics. She is amazing at bringing out what needs to be birthed."

"The session helped me be ok with myself and let go of the past."          ~ Josefina

"It's  been a good week of new insights. Feels like I'm shifting toward lightness a bit.  I like it.  ✨💖✨" Wendy

"Jan is versatile in many spiritual principles and has the ability to translate these practices in a meaningful way to support others with their individual needs.  Techniques were given to facilitate my thinking that resulted in actions that evolved into more flow in my life."  ~ Christine

"My life today is about feeling inspired and having that activated within me.  I am inspired and excited for what I am creating.  Jan is an amazing mentor who has helped me to go forth with my dreams, passion, joy and my inspiration.  I am blessed to have Jan in my life."      ~Tricia

"I am so grateful for your depth of knowledge and information. Many of the techniques, links, and authors you presented helped to calm my anxiety and social awkwardness that I was experiencing in moving to a new town."

"My signature is flowing.   I feel lighter.  Thanks for a fabulous evening!"     ~Sam

"I had such a beautiful download tonight about something that happens inside me, that I could see so clearly is not me at all. It is something that holds me down, holds me's just a construct that I use to supposedly protect myself, but it is only taking away my life force. It was so clear to me that this is part of the session that you gave me, and it was so easy to define this thing as not being me, and sucking my life force. And that is exactly what your session was meant to do. So I think that is pretty Amazing how this has manifested for me. It makes me so immensely grateful for this gift you gave me and how much power you have and giving this gift.        ~  🏻♥️🏻♥️"   P.

"I'm so grateful that you gave me this gift, because it allowed me the time to spend with myself that I hadn't had in a very long time. It was like going home again in my heart and in my spirit, and just allowing myself to experience peace and tranquility and support, and knowing that I'm not alone. As our spirits connected, and the energy merged with the universe and with everything that is our beingness, I had so much gratitude, especially in the things that the world is experiencing right now. I was feeling so grateful that we had the ability to connect in the space where we can hear the ocean, and the sun is shining, and the chimes are ringing, and the birds are outside singing. And I thought, there is nothing wrong with this existence. We have such a beautiful life if we focus on those things and really listen. I heard, and I listened, and I saw, and the colors were beautiful, and my heart feels open, and I just really think that it's beyond a gift that we have what we've been given and that we can share them together. So, thank you."                 ~ Jewels

You are magnificent and gifted at what you do.  You understood my vision and kept me on track.  Thank you so much for everything!

"With a curiosity & interest in Jan’s session, I let myself go into a deep meditation resting my head in her hands. The Bars session felt like it had just started, and then it was finishing. A totally relaxing experience, except for a moment where I felt like a muscle behind my left ear had stretched, and relaxed, a definite release of some kind. I felt slightly spacey afterward, but nothing significant until later in the day. A growing feeling of peace and balance began throughout my body, then into my being. It wasn’t that I was stressed or suffering from anything; my regular good day evolved into a VERY positive GREAT day.  There seemed to be a continuous euphoria in all I was doing and sensing. To call it a good mood is an understatement - I felt fantastic! After a couple days I realized that the sensation of the muscle behind my left ear stretching, relaxing, and releasing was connected to the TMJ that I've had for over 30 years. The pain has always appeared when I'm on an airplane, but when I flew this week, I did not have the TMJ pain, for the first time ever. If someone were in need of the benefits that Jan brings with her understanding of Access Consciousness, they would be well served to spend this time. If not, and you're just looking to kick-up your good spirits, Jan will raise your energy with her work."   ~ David

"My crown feels open. I feel more blended, more integrated with the space around me. My head feels open and clear, not crowded, not noisy. The consciousness expanding process was really pretty amazing. I feel so peaceful, like I don't want to even move. You have the sweetest, most soothing loving voice! What an incredible gift to give somebody, to give a whole part of your being in that way. (Next day) Can't thank you enough for such a beautiful session. I spent a long time after just sitting in my chair curling up with my cozy blue blanket and just a state of beingness. I am sure there will be downloads coming my way in the days to come. Your encouragement, support, and words of wisdom truly mean so very much to me."      ~ Pam

"I am so grateful for your depth of knowledge and information. Many of the techniques, links, and authors you presented helped to calm my anxiety and social awkwardness that I was experiencing in moving to a new town."

"I really have enjoyed our time together. I've gotten more clear, and I've been enlightened a lot. When I leave the calls, I feel literally lighter. I go lay on my couch and just kind of bask in it."          ~C

"I was correct to follow my intuition, and soon she was working on the two items for me.  Jan took time to actually understand me and the work I do."                   ~ Nand

I'm feeling easier, or lighter, about her death. It still hurts me....just talking to you has been very insightful. You deal in the spiritual place, which is where I think the answers are. And I know there's a place I should go, and I've been knowing this for years. I've done grief counseling for months, but it's just surface's not as helpful as being able to connect in a spiritual way. I can understand why some people have told me that they don't want to do grief counseling, because it doesn't really help them. Being with you, is not something I would have called grief counseling, but it is. It has comforted me more than the other. You're good at what you do.  I'm feeling like I know I'm going to be okay.  I AM okay."    ~C

"Attending at the time in my life that I did was a big boost for me!  Even though I only attended a few sessions, it was comforting listening to other women share so freely about their issues or areas where they wanted improvements in their life. I learned so much to help myself by listening.  I got more help out of FLOW circle than some therapists I’ve been to!"           ~ Linda

"I really enjoyed talking to you - you have such a  beautiful, calming voice.You really are an amazing woman and very much appreciated. Thanks for all your time. You're a true gem!💎"

"Thank you for being on this journey with me.  I truly believe the universe put you on my path."                         ~ Jackie

"I couldn't believe it.  It's like you were reading my mind.   Some are just naturally talented. You are perfect.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much."           ~ Abdollah

"Thank you for the wonderful experience. Your presence was very relaxing. It felt as though you were holding a basin of comfort, allowing me to melt into a safe place, knowing you would catch me. I can tell I am processing in my whole being. I am embracing this entire experience! (Next morning)  I am mind traveling while enjoying my morning coffee and I was just thinking about your kind spirit and the release I am beginning to feel when your text popped up! I am sitting here crying  (just little sprinkles) while thinking about moving forward with a more free attitude.  One part of the session that stood out was when you were accessing the crown chakra area. I felt this energy throughout my body expanding into space across boundaries of time. My long deceased dad smiled at me, as I marveled at concepts such as string theory and relativity (subjects I'm currently studying, to make sense of this universe.) (3 days later)  I am still processing, releasing and embracing this entire experience. Emotions seem heightened, and my entire attitude is more free and happier! The idea of time and energy took on a very fluid meaning during the session that has stayed with me. Now I look at past experiences as energy converging from many sources to be interpreted in a multitude of ways, not as a diorama fixed in time and space. This new outlook allows me to be more compassionate about my past and also be more contemplative about life experiences as they occur. It's time to put on my big girl, wild woman pants! I so appreciate your gentle, intuitive nature and that you shared your talents with me. ❣️"           ~ Mary L.

"I want you to know how much I value you and your words and your bravery and  allowing me to talk, without trying to correct me or make me feel wrong.  For me to cry is huge! I never cry in front of anyone. I haven't cried in I don't know how long...almost 20 years.  I have been just holding everything in. I needed to cry. So, thank you."                ~ Carmen

"I appreciate all your kind words and attention. Yes, it was definitely a moving experience, and your facilitation was generously beautiful. Your voice is soothing and your presence is tranquil.  This is definitely a huge shift in my life as a dreamer.  It's amazing how everything works together and how uniquely wonderful we all are! I know you will be serving people on and to their highest level!"         ~ Gina                   

"To actually see how very talented Jan is is nothing short of amazing."     ~ Tony

"Thank you for your light, energy, and great spirit!" 

"Jan is an excellent business branding coach, as she helps you to dig deep down to reveal your true genius and reflect that in your business.  She's incredibly talented and fun to work with! I highly recommend her services."                              ~ Lupe 

"I'm so happy I met Jan. She helped me so much. I had a lot in my mind but I didn't know how to express it. She really  understood my heart and what I was trying to say. Wonderful job..Thank you so much!"                                                ~ Adrianna

"Thank you for sharing your openness and insight !"

"What a wonderful role model you are!"

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