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Clear  Heal  Realize  Transform  Be

Intuitive Self-Realization Guidance and Energy Clearing 


I am a Non-judgmental, Intuitive Conduit

for Perceiving unconscious patterns/beliefs​
Opening blocks

Transmuting stuck emotion and energy
Conveying divine truth and wisdom
Inspiring self-realization and creation...

To dissolve, discharge, and defrag what's stuck in you, trapping you, or blinding you, including limiting beliefs,
 unconscious agreements, dense energy, patterns, habits, wounds, traumas, ancestral karma, and self-judgment


"Don’t be deceived by the gentle ways of Jan. No doubt she is an earth angel, whose healing sessions are otherworldly, powerful, and life-changing."   ðŸ§š


~ Clara E. 





Signature Sessions


Clarify, Release, Heal, Motivate, Transform

Breakthroughs are a variety of Intuitively Guided Conversations and Dialogues. 
These 90 minute in-person or Zoom sessions, held in a safe, non-judgmental space,  create openings iin your mind, emotions, awareness, and perception, that allow you to rise up and out of what binds, blinds, blocks, and depletes you, and into a new place of realization, choice, inspiration, and empowerment.

Defrag & Destroy Implants, Expand Consciousness & Light

Click Here for Details

Inquire, Illumine, Infuse, Integrate

To reveal and illuminate the pure TRUE SOUL LIGHT of You,
to release negative self-talk and thoughts, to be infused
with loving energy and know the beautiful essence of You

Inquire (30 minutes)   Illumine & Infuse (40 minutes)   Integrate (20 minutes)
This 3-part In-person session is a safe, non-judgmental space for you
to release the shackles of pain, self-doubt, and persecution.

Emotion Clearing & Healing
Grief Counseling & Healing
Trauma Release
Breaking Patterns

Your Self-Realization Inventory
Your Soul Role(s) & Desires
Your Life Blueprint & Clues
Your Evolution - What's  Next



You don't remember, but you chose to be here at this time.

You are Soul on Purpose to experience life in a Human body,

You have been equipped with the desires, abilities, and opportunities 

to overcome your adversities and fulfill your purpose.


So, how did you forget yourself?


A few reasons.   Here's one.




"The Long Bag We Drag Behind Us"   by Robert Bly



"When we were one or two years old, we had what we might visualize as a 360-degree personality. Energy radiated out from all parts of our body and all parts of our psyche. A child running is a living globe of energy.


We had a ball of energy, all right; but one day we noticed that our parents didn’t like certain parts of that ball. They said things like: “Can’t you be still?” Or “It isn’t nice to try and kill your brother.”  Behind us we have an invisible bag, and the part of us our parents don’t like, we, to keep our parents’ love, put in the bag. By the time we go to school our bag is quite large.


Then our teachers have their say: “Good children don’t get angry over such little things.”  So, we take our anger and put it in the bag. By the time my brother and I were twelve in Madison, Minnesota, we were known as “the nice Bly boys.” Our bags were already a mile long. Then we do a lot of bag-stuffing in high school. This time, it’s no longer the evil grownups that pressure us, but people our own age. So the student’s paranoia about grownups can be misplaced. I lied all through high school automatically, to try to be more like the basketball players. Any part of myself that was a little slow went into the bag.


My sons are going through the process now; I watched my daughters, who were older, experience it. I noticed with dismay how much they put into the bag, but there was nothing their mother or I could do about it. Often, my daughters seemed to make their decision on the issue of fashion and collective ideas of beauty, and they suffered as much damage from other girls as they did from men.


So, I maintain that out of a round globe of energy the twenty-year-old ends up with a slice.


We’ll imagine a man who has a thin slice left. The rest is in the bag. And we’ll imagine that he meets a woman; let’s say they are both twenty-four. She has a thin, elegant slice left. They join each other in a ceremony, and this union of two slices is called marriage. Even together the two do not make up one person! Marriage when the bag is large entails loneliness during the honeymoon for that very reason. Of course we all lie about it. “How was your honeymoon?” “Wonderful, how’s yours?”


Different cultures fill the bag with different contents. In Christian culture, sexuality usually goes into the bag. With it goes much spontaneity. Marie Louise von Franz warns us, on the other hand, not to sentimentalize primitive cultures by assuming that they have no bag at all. She says in effect that they have a different but sometimes even larger bag. They may put individuality into the bag, or inventiveness. What anthropologists know as “participation mystique,” or “a mysterious communal mind,” sounds lovely, but it can mean that tribal members all know exactly the same thing and no one knows anything else. It’s possible that bags for all human beings are about the same size.


We spend our life until we’re twenty deciding what parts of ourselves to put into the bag, and we spend the rest of our lives trying to get them out again."






Despite what you believe, the real YOU is not limited by judgement, secrecy, worry, anxiety,


boredom, depression, disease, pain, shame, unworthiness, wrongness. 



Like every Human, You are on a continual Quest to feel Better, Freer...


To Know What You're Made of and Why You're Here,


To Thrive, Experience Joy, Create, and Be Your Own Magic,





It Is Your Birthright and Your Destiny




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